Web design is similar to packaging design for consumer goods. In both cases, people pay for the product or service, but they’re also influenced by the “packaging.”


In this electronic era, more people search online for the products and services they need as opposed to searching through a phone book. Ignoring this important potential marketing platform is akin to saying, "I don't need any new business."


The Internet never sleeps, and every portal you offer online gives your business a virtual 24-hour showroom. This allows potential customers to research your product or service after business hours, and in the privacy of their own home.

A Mobile Site

A mobile site is essentially a copy of your website, where the server does the work to deliver an optimized page that's smaller and easier to navigate.

With a mobile site, you must create a different domain (many companies choose to differentiate theirs by "m.domain.com").

This can dilute the domain and hurt organic search traffic. It can also add to website management because you have to maintain two separate silos of content.

Because a mobile site uses a separate domain, links shared from mobile browsers will not count as search link equity toward your primary site.

Re-working of a mobile site might be needed in order to stay current with next-generation phones and mobile browsers.

Could require higher maintenance and expense.

How do mobile and responsive websites differ?

Though they essentially serve the same purpose, websites built on a mobile or responsive framework operate in different ways:

A website built with a mobile framework is essentially a reset of an existing desktop website. It's a custom, separate website (m.yoursite.com or mobile.yoursite.com) designed to provide a user with a unique and optimized smartphone Web browsing experience.

A website built with a responsive code base is an existing desktop website but completely fluid, scaling on the fly as the browser window is adjusted and providing a user with an optimal viewing experience across a wide range of devices - from the biggest desktop computers to the smallest smartphones. In short, a responsive website responds to user control.

Regardless of the framework used to build it, a consumer's first experience with your website may be the first time a consumer experiences your brand. Take advantage of that opportunity - regardless of the device. Don't let your first impression become the last one.

When a responsive framework is a better option

When you need consistency across multiple devices.

Let's revisit your customer, who's likely looking at your traditional desktop website on an iPhone 5. Or was it a Galaxy Note? An iPad? Amazon Kindle? Microsoft Surface? Each of these devices has a different screen resolution - two, technically, if you consider both portrait and landscape layouts.

Again, responsive designs are fluid. They allow a website to respond to the particular device accessing it, giving the user an optimized experience regardless of the platform.

Screen resolution is irrelevant.

Responsive Web design eliminates the need for a separate mobile presence, allowing the website owner to have a single site at a single URL with a single code base and set of files to be used.

This makes a website significantly easier to maintain.

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