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Article number: Article number: kb-13
Q. How do I move my current site?

A. Every situation is different, but generally, there are 3 basic steps in moving your site from your current hosting company to us.
1) Selecting and ordering your hosting package.
2) Moving the contents of your current site to your new site. Setup email accounts, forwarders, autoresponders, etc.
3) Changing the name server for your domain at the registrar where your domain is registered. In 24 to 48 hours, your changes should start to take effect.
However, once you have signed up with us, we send you a temporary IP address for you to use until your site has propagated.

This page has been viewed 4628 times

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2. Does you offer 7x24 support? (viewed 4963 times)
3. Can I get unlimited bandwidth? (viewed 4914 times)
4. Is my access 24 hours a day? (viewed 4871 times)

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