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Article number: Article number: kb-29
Q. How do I make a payment?

A. LOGIN to your account.

2. Select View/Pay Invoices, then click to continue.

3. In the "Invoice Viewer" window, select "PAY NOW" for the invoice to renew your account.

4. Confirm your invoice, then go to Payment Options below.

5. Pay for your upgrades/renewal. We accept all major credit cards.

This page has been viewed 4751 times

Other questions in this category Other questions in this category
1. Does you offer phone support? (viewed 5717 times)
2. Does you offer 7x24 support? (viewed 4964 times)
3. Can I get unlimited bandwidth? (viewed 4914 times)
4. Is my access 24 hours a day? (viewed 4872 times)

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