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Article number: Article number: kb-22
Q. I lost my hosting activation email with my control panel login and other information, what should I do?

A. Login to your member account on our site.
Click to enter your hosting list.
Click the magnifying glass icon beside your hosting account to view details. At the top you will see a link that says 'Resend Activation Mail'.
Click that to have the hosting activation email resent.

Please note: the username and password in this email are the original issued login iformation. If you have changed your hosting control panel password from within the hosting control panel, this password will not be correct. In this case you must open a helpdesk ticket and ask them to reset the control panel password.

This page has been viewed 2108 times

Other questions in this category Other questions in this category
1. How do I setup Outlook Express to check my email? (viewed 1998 times)
2. I cannot send email from my account, Error 0x800ccc0e. Cannot connect to Server. (viewed 1893 times)

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